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Law Offices of Donald J. Matson, PC.

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DUI Laws In Pasadena CA

  • By: Donald J. Matson, Esq.
DUI Laws In Pasadena CA

Pasadena DUI Laws: What You Need To Know

California DUI Laws are set in place to help prevent accidents, injury, and even death. California DUI Laws are written by the California Vehicle Code (VC). The penalties associated with a DUI Conviction will vary depending on whether it is your first offense or if you have prior convictions. It does not matter how much alcohol was involved in the accident; all that matters is that your blood alcohol content was over the legal limit.

First Offense DUI In Pasadena

The penalties associated with a First Offense DUI are as follows:

  • Fine of $390-1000
  • Jail time for 96 hours to 6 months (depending on prior convictions)

**Minimum 48 hours in jail if the DUI caused an accident involving injury or death

  • Driver’s license suspension for 6 months to 2 years (if probation is granted after conviction, the court may waive the minimum 48 hours in jail)
  • DUI School (12-18 months, depending on how much alcohol was involved)

Second Offense DUI In Pasadena

The penalties associated with a Second Offense DUI are as follows:

  • Fine of $390-1000 (Higher fines may apply if the charge involves alcohol and/or drugs)

**Mandatory minimum of 120 days in jail if the DUI caused injury or death to another person

  • Driver’s license suspension for 2 years (if probation is granted after conviction, the court may waive this requirement but the minimum mandatory jail time cannot be waived)
  • DUI School (18-30 months depending on how much alcohol was involved)

Third Offense DUI In Pasadena

The penalties associated with a Third Offense DUI are as follows:

  • Fine of $390-1000 (Higher fines may apply if the charge involves alcohol and/or drugs)

** Mandatory minimum of 120 days in jail if the DUI caused injury or death to another person

  • Driver’s license suspension for 3 years (if probation is granted after conviction, the court may waive this requirement but the minimum mandatory jail time cannot be waived)
  • DUI School (30-52 months depending on how much alcohol was involved)

Forth And Subsequent Offenses

The penalties associated with a Fourth or Subsequent Offense DUI are as follows:

  • Fine of $390-1000 (Higher fines may apply if the charge involves alcohol and/or drugs)
  • Mandatory minimum of 120 days in jail (the court may waive this requirement but the minimum mandatory jail time cannot be waived)
  • Ineligible for a restricted driver’s license (this penalty can be waived if you were involved in an accident that was not your fault)

Note: The penalties listed above are the minimum mandatory penalties. If it is found that there were aggravating factors present, such as high speed, great bodily injury, and vehicular manslaughter, the penalties could be increased

Get Help With Your Pasadena DUI Charges

Laws regarding “driving under the influence” are strict in California. The penalties for a DUI Conviction can range from hefty fines to several years in prison, depending upon how many prior convictions you have.

If you’re arrested for DUI laws in Pasadena California, it’s important that you understand your rights and what your options are if you want to contest the charges or seek legal representation. Contact Don Matson today to learn more about how he may be able to help you.

Donald J. Matson, Esq.

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